Buku Membatasi Tanpa Melanggar: Hak Kebebasan Beragama atau Berkeyakinan (Juli 2019, 114 halaman) ini, yang ditulis oleh Zainal Abidin Bagir, Asfinawati, Suhadi, dan Renata Arianingtyas, membahas norma dan praktik pembatasan KBB di Indonesia dan sejauh mana pembatasan itu diperbolehkan atau tidak. Buku ini bermula dari lokakarya para pegiat HAM, khususnya KBB, dan para akademisi pada Juli 2018. Pembahasannya terutama mengacu ...
Indigeneity and Human Rights in Asia and the Pacific Towards a Just Society: Challenges and OpportunitiesThe relationship between indigeneity and human rights has long caused various challenges to promoting democracy and fulfilling human rights in Asia and the Pacific region. Some of the basic rights of indigenous people have continued to strengthen as indicated by the existence of political and ...
There has been abundant literature investigating the relationship between religion and human rights. It ranges from exploring the tensions between or the convergence of the two enterprises, attempts to construct religious justification of human rights principles, or exploration of the many dimensions of the right to freedom of religion or belief (FoRB). A consensus on these matters is not the ...
Program Studi Agama dan Lintas Budaya/Center for Religious and Cross-cultural Studies (CRCS), Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Gadjah Mada; Yayasan Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Indonesia; Centre for Human Rights, Multiculturalism and Migration, Universitas Jember; Serikat Pengajar Hak Asasi Manusia (Sepaham); dan Sekolah Tinggi Hukum Indonesia Jentera menyelenggarakan Program Fellowship Kebebasan Beragama atau Berkeyakinan (KBB) untuk Angkatan Keempat pada tahun 2022.Program ini bertujuan membangun ...